Eligibility: Grade 8-11 (CURRENT school year grade)
Team Fee: $175
Are you a current 8th-11th grade athlete who plans on playing football at SMWest next year for the 2025 fall season? If so, we need you to register with our team! Please be sure to complete this google form to ensure you get added to our team’s Hudl platform and your parent/ guardian(s) get added to our email distribution list where all high school information is sent from.
Eligibility: Grades 7 – 8 (CURRENT school year grade)
Dates: March 3 – April 30 th (Mon & Wed only)
No workouts 3/17, 3/19, 4/2
Time: 5:30 – 6:30p (SM West Weight Room)
Cost: 1 workout: $6
8 workouts: $45
15 workouts: $85
Payment via Venmo: @Eric-Patterson-105
It’s time to get faster and stronger! Two of our SMW football/track coaches, Coach Bass & Coach Patterson, will use age-appropriate, fundamental weight training principles and scientifically proven methods to help you increase speed, balance, coordination, and quickness. This program is suitable for ALL athletes who want to have fun while getting stronger, faster, and more confident in their skills. We’ll also learn to properly utilize the weight room and other athletic facilities at SMWest.
Eligibility: Grades 6 – 8 (for the 2025-26 school year)
Dates: June 2 – July 31 (Mon – Thrs only, NO Fri)
Time: 10:30 – 11:45a (SM West Turf Field)
Cost: $100 (includes a camp t-shirt & insurance)
Shawnee Mission West coaches will develop students in the summertime by giving them a good base of fundamental skills in lifting, conditioning, and other activities. The weight room will revolve around the philosophy that students will follow a specified workout with the total body being developed. The workout will be geared for the athlete involved in any sport. The safety matters: spotting, proper lifting and running techniques, as well as proper training structure are covered with every student that joins us.
Eligibility: 8th Grade (for the 2025-26 school year)
Dates: July 7 – July 17, 2025
(Mon – Thrs only, No Fri)
Time: 8:30 – 10:00a (SM West Turf Field)
Cost: $50 (includes a camp t-shirt & insurance)
Join the Shawnee Mission West Vikings football staff and players for a NON-contact camp, emphasizing football fundamental skills. Campers should wear t-shirts, shorts, and gym shoes or cleats and bring a water bottle. Participants will be instructed in the fundamentals that the Vikings use in High School. The Westridge 8 th grade team will be able to work with each other as part of their pre-season preparation. Group activities and competitions will also take place. Campers will receive a t-shirt and insurance.
For incoming freshman through seniors, all athletes not participating in football.
Shawnee Mission West coaches will develop students in the summertime by giving them a good base of fundamental skills in lifting, conditioning, and other activities. The weight room will revolve around the philosophy that students will follow a specified workout with the total body being developed. The workout will be geared for the athlete involved in any sport. The safety matters: spotting, proper lifting and running techniques, as well as proper training structure are covered with every student that joins us.